Saturday, November 11, 2017


TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VULESSON 01


Importance of Television among other mediaIn this age of Globalization and information mass media are indispensable tools of communication and in
this era of science and technology the space and time have been squeezed. History witnessed the traditional
warfare, followed by Cold warfare, Psychological warfare and then the modern warfare but in today’s media
warfare the words are weapons and the satellites are the artillery and due to information imperialism it’s the
matter of information haves and information have-nots.
Leaflets, pamphlets, flyers, brochures, booklets, books, magazines, digests, posters, mountings, buntings,
flags, banners, billboards, hoardings, radio, film, theater, are all tools of communication but television has its
own role to play amongst all these media and we come across it in are day-to-day life as we all are avid user of
this medium.Purpose of televisionEducation, edification, acculturation, persuasion, propaganda, entertainment, amusement, infotainment are
the main objectives of a television.Impact of televisionUnlike radio, the time organized channel and newspaper, the space organized channel, the television has both
the characteristics in it and here space as well as time is utilized for the sake of communication. So the
television is more powerful medium with greater impact.Picture is the baseThere is Chinese quotation, “A picture is worth one thousands words” means that a picture communicates
eloquently and it gives the viewer the whole comprehension of what is being watched. The same picture is
also the foundation of the television on which these pictures move with a specific speed. There are twenty
five frames or pictures in a second which we see on the screen of a television.
Earlier the term of “Motion picture” came based on the same fact that on the screen there were “pictures in
motion”. Later the term was replaced by the “Film” and “Movie”. In a movie that may be for the film on
cinema or the any programme on the television the basic formula is that either the camera is moving or the
object is in the motion.Phases in preparation of a TV programmeThe production for the television is a complex work and needs a lot of attention and care. Any of the
television programmes under goes through following phases:Pre-production phaseProduction phasePost-production phaseThe first stage involves the “library work” i.e. research and script writing.
The second stage involves the “leg work” i.e. field and studio work.
The third stage involves the “laboratory work” i.e. editing and mixing.
The best production will be the result of good management and planning.The prime responsibilities of a Producer are to:

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VUGenerate an idea of a programmePresentation of the ideaRefine that idea for productionDevelop a conceptDecide the contentsEngaging a researcherGetting the script writtenHunting the talent i.e. actors, anchors, newscastersPreparing the Programme Budget EstimateMaking the arrangementsCoordinating with different sectionsDiscussion with the set designer for indoor programmesReconnaissance or survey of location for outdoor programmesDiscussion with the cameramanPlanning for the programmeCasting of artists and performerScheduling the recordingRehearsals of the participantsRecording the programme with production crewEditing the programme with EditorAudio mixingAdding graphicsMaking title and promos
A good director and producer needs to carry on all these steps to the best of his capabilities and to the
optimum level of his efficiency. Better the programme planning and the time management, greater the quality
and value of the production. The creativity will not be well on screen if the whole process is not executed
properly and timely.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VULESSON 02PRE-REQUISITES OF A CREATIVE PRODUCER/DIRECTORA creative Producer has to present the idea and have to work till its execution for making the programme
ready for the telecast.
An idea is any conception existing in the mind as the result of mental understanding, awareness or activity.
It’s a thought, a notion, an impression, an opinion, a point of view, a belief, a plan of action a concept
developed by the mind and a theme.
A producer therefore is required to possess certain characteristics and qualities of mind and soul.CreativeInnovativeAnalyticalLogicalCriticalDeep observationVast studyVisualization powerDecision powerSense of humourSense of proportionAcute conclusionCommon senseAesthetic senseGreat exposureEditorial judgmentSelf starterInitiativeTeam leaderForbearanceTolerancePractical experienceGeneral knowledgeCourageConfidenceBraveryTime managementAccuracyPrecisionConvictionConsistencyEthicsCommunicationMotivationDeterminationPatienceFairness in controversyDisinclined
UnbiasedUnprejudicedInvestigativeInformativeInquisitiveObjectivitySubjectivityTechnically soundPleasant personalityCommand and control
Keeping in the view that a TV programme can never be anticipated good or bad as the viewer have there own
choices, a producer has to prepare the programme to the utmost of one’s abilities.
The audiences have many choices of channels and the variety of these television programmes give then open
chance to select the programme the want at some particular period of time.Selective exposure: we use the medium we wantSelective Perception: we understand the things we likeSelective retention: we remember the content we need
Thus a producer should feel the pulse of the viewers and should design the programme in such a way that it
reaches to the target audience as it is being telecast and for that there are again two factors one should bear in
the mind;Common frame of referenceMutual field of experience
Common frame of reference is that the viewer has the understanding of the content which is being shown on
the screen as it is in their knowledge.
Mutual field of experience is that the audience can feel themselves a part of the matter they are watching in a
television programme.
The programme will be successful if there are greater numbers of viewers who can relate to the programme
on TV so the producer should take care of the fact that the things close to reality and the matters of our dayto-day life are of vital importance and capture more attention.



The presentation of an idea is also an art. It is necessary that what ever a creative director or producer
visualize about a future programme should be presented in blank and white for consideration of authorities
and the organization.
Following are the ingredients for the presentation of an idea before the execution of a programme:-
Title: Name of the programme
Type: Form of programme
Language: Mode of communication
Genre: Kind of contents
Frequency: Rate of telecast
Duration: Length of time
Target audience: Potential viewers
Format: Arrangement of sequences
Theme: Central ideaTitleThe title should be representative, comprehensive and self-explanatory. It can be symbolic as well but again it
ought to be meaningful.
The title is the face of the programme so it must be descriptive and expressive.TypeThe type is the kind of appearance a programme has on the screen. It can be as many types as following.DramaDrama serialDrama seriesSoap serialMini-serialSit-com situational comedyLong playTele-filmShort filmMagazine ShowsTalk showMusic showMagazine showCelebrity showHealth showCommerce showRoad showGame showCooking showBeauty showDocumentary

HistoricalInformativeInvestigativeDocu-dramaSpecific audience programmingReligious programmesWomen programmesChildren programmesSports programmeNews programmesCurrent affairs programmesViews and comments programmesAnalytical programmesOpinion formation programmesLanguageInternational as English, Arabic, French etc.National as Urdu, Persian, ChineseProvincial as Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtu, BalochiRegional as Saraiki, Hindko, Barahvi, GujratiGenreComedyTragedyActionThrillerAdventurousRomanticFictionHistoricalEpicScience fictionFantasyFrequencyDailyWeeklyFortnightlyMonthlyQuarterlyBiannuallyAnnuallyDuration3 minutes

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 75 minutes10-15 minutes25 minutes50 minutes90 minutesTarget audienceGeneral publicYouthStudentsKids/childrenWomenSenior citizensFormers/peasantsBusinessmenIndustrialistTradersEducationistLawyersDoctorsWorkersResearchersFormatIt is the arrangement of the programme and the order of the appearance of performers, artists or the
participants. The producer should have the sequence of all the talent in writing so that during the recording
same plan is followed.ThemeIt is the central idea of any programme, normally called the one-liner in the telecast industry. It’s the plan of
action on which a producer has to work to carry on any type of production.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 8LESSON 04CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT
What is a concept?A general notionA conceptionA comprehensionA constructA thing formed in the mindA directly conceived or intuited object of thoughtAn idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particularsA general idea derived or inferred from specific instance or occurrence
The concept development is next step; a producer has to take after generation of an idea and before its
Before we take concept in the scenario of production, let’s discuss the concept in mass media research
A concept is a notion about a natural phenomenon. For example “mass” is a concept having different
notions to different people. To a scientist mass is a term for the physical appearance of a matter but to a
social scientist mass is general public. So is the apprehension about the term “medium” to a lay man it is
about the size but to a media person it is the channel and tool of communication.
A construct is the combination of two concepts. For example “Mass” is a concept, “Media” is again a
concept and the “Mass Media” is a construct which give a third meaning as a whole phrase. These concepts
in researched studies are measure as variables.VariableIt is the changing value of quantity or quality of a thing or concept is called variable. As the term itself defines
it is “able to vary”. We come across different variable in our studies. Variable are used in scientific as well as
social sciences research.
In case of traveling it is a common observation that “more the speed, greater the distance” or in another
example “frequent media use socializes the audience. In any phenomenon under study there have to be two
variables at least.Independent variableIt is the variable whose value is independent to change and normally it is denoted by “x” and is placed
horizontally on the graph with its negative values on the opposite side if required. For example “speed” is an
independent variable. Media exposure may be the other example.Dependent variableIt is the variable whose value is dependent to change and normally it is denoted by “y” and is placed vertically
on the graph with its negative values on the opposite side if required. For example “distance” is a dependent
variable. Socialization from media may be the other example. A dependent variable is dependent on the
independent variable.Intervening variable

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 9It is the variable which effects the relation of the independent and dependent variable. For example in `
“quality of the road” is an intervening variable. Tune-in time may be the other example.Extraneous variableIt is the variable which does not directly influence the relation of independent and dependent variable. It is
not as pertinent as an intervening variable. For example “the traffic conditions” is an extraneous variable.
Attention of the viewer may be the other example in relation to the above-mentioned cases.Types of research
Pure and applied research is Scientific or laboratory research.Descriptive research is Social or library research.Qualitative research deals with the qualitative variablesQuantitative research deals with the quantitative variables
Research is the base of any programme especially in Talk show and documentaries. Interviewing the right
persons after they have been identified as able person who are in knowledge of an event, gives a producer
great deal of satisfaction and sense of perfection in the post production phase.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 10LESSON 05RESEARCH AND REVIEWSFor any of the programme produced for the television research is of vital importance as it makes the
production factually sound and technically sound.What is research?Research is constant navigation to know the truth.Research is continuous effort to dig out facts.Research is an endeavour to find something new.Research is making new interpretation of existing knowledge.Research is an addition to already present knowledge.
According to a mass media research expert Kerlinger, “It is systematic, controlled, critical and empirical
investigation of hypothetical propositions about presumed relations among natural phenomena.”Research ProcedureSelection of a problemResearch questionMaking hypothesisReview of available literatureExperimental designResearch suppliersData collectionAnalysis and interpretation of dataPresentation of researchReplicationSelection of a topicIt is to select the topic on which the research is to be conducted. This is very important as it’s the foundation
of the whole research procedure. A researcher has to be very cautious and keen while selecting a topic for
study, there are certain questions one must keep in mind before the conduct of research.Is topic too broad?Are the data susceptible to analysis?Can the results of the study be generalized?Will the study cause any harm to the subjects?Review of available literatureBefore we start a research study we need to review all kind of literature available to us so that our research
may not be duplication of already existing study. It is always better to review the literature present following

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 11Research journalsEducational studiesFindings by research institutesStatement of problemNext step of research is to state the problem under study. The topic of research contains the issue but here
we elaborate the problem in form of a statement.Research questionAfter stating the problem the research question is formulated so that variables in the researched can be easily
defined and then studied.Making hypothesisHypothesis is the supposition made in anticipation as what may be the result of a particular study. It’s the
assumption made in advance and normally there are more than one hypothesis formed the first and basic
hypothesis is called “Null hypothesis” and is denoted by “H0”while the substitute hypothesis is called
“alternative hypothesis” and is denoted by “H1”.Experimental designDesign in research means the plan of action a researcher will follow in due course of research. It is the type of
the research to be used in study, may it be survey research or content analysis.Research suppliersThese are the persons through whom the data is collected on certain topic. They may be students, institutes
or employ of any organization that are to provide the responses of general public to the questions of research.Data collectionData collection is the next step in research procedure as at this stage data is collected directly from the
audience or indirectly through the research suppliers.Analysis and interpretation of dataThe data gathered is then analyzed by different techniques and finally interpreted in form of tables, graphs (pi
graph, bar graph, line graph) and notes.Presentation of researchOnce the research study is finalized, the results are presented in form of a thesis or dissertation for the
publication of research.ReplicationReplication is reproduction or duplication of a research study in case the desired results are not being
achieved from the null hypothesis and the researcher has to resort to the alternative hypothesis.Research in television productionThe research procedure properly followed can give a good and authentic outcome. Research based
documentation for production is very exciting, one can create a difference, doing the impossible.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 12A good producer has to have knack of finding out related facts from just one single fact one has been told.
It’s like seeing the ice berg tip while the bulk is under the water.
In television production research is mostly used in following areas:-DocumentaryTravelogueHistorical playDocu-dramaTalk showCurrent affairs

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 13LESSON 06SCRIPT WRITINGThe script writing is an important step in the production of any television programme and the producer
should choose such an author having the knowledge of writing a screen play. The subjects for the TV
production should be one not treated in book. The writer should have the mental images built on
remembrance of scenes and experience which help to visualize and create the scenery. He or she must have
“eye of mind” and be capable of making mental pictures.
The plot of any story, drama, novel, or play has following basic ingredients:-Introduction: beginningComplication: development of complicationsCulmination: climax of conflictSolution: resolution of issuesConclusion: ending
The writer should keep in mind that the characters must be intensely human, close to real life and day to day
situations. More universal the theme, greater is the audience. A good author has a study of lives of those who
will be the audience so he or she should develop the ability to write dialogue by listening to the conversation
of those particular people.
A good script has following components:-Purpose: to justify its viewer-shipSimplicity: to make it look trueFamiliarity to be directly communicable
The situations in the play should be easily assimilated and there must not be any loophole in the story. The
conflict and then the resolution, setting the problem, explanation of factors involved all should be weaved
properly. There are as many stories as many of persons, where ever you find a human being, you find a drama
there.Elements of a successful storyExtraordinary swiftnessEconomy of wordsRapid development of situationPromise of future developmentImmediate attentionPowerful atmosphereStriking characterizationIntriguing unusual settingExtremely usual settingDo’s in script writinga) Opening should be catchy to hold the audience
b) The style, diction and contents should introduce the play
c) Logical development of the story is necessary
d) Tempo to be fast.
e) Planned forward action.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 14f) Element of suspense is vital.
g) Surprise grabs the attention.
h) Language should be used according to situation and story.
i) Definite ending is a must for a story.
j) All problems to be solved in the end.
k) All characters accounted for what they have done.
l) A tragic or unhappy ending may be satisfactory if a moral can be deduced.
m) Policy matters to be dealt carefully.Don’ts in script writinga) Profanity and blasphemy
b) Vulgarity and obscenity
c) Belittling of any race or caste
d) Criticism on any religion or sect
e) Physical deformities not to be made humorous.
f) Crime, murder and suicide to be discouraged
g) Degrading any colour or creed
h) Use of poor grammar
i) Offending humour
j) Offensive statements
k) Too talky script
l) Unintentional interruption to be avoided
m) Words with multiple meanings to be shunnedCharactersThe writer of the script must also make each actor act in the way as the characters, are supposed to act in real
life and in the dialogues emotions must be brought to the viewers. They should speak in clearness and
directness.Actor-proof scriptThe television script should be an “actor-proof” script, as it should be written in such a way that it can not
be misinterpreted by the performers so the sentences are good to be short, crisp, clear and simple.EffectsThe effects are the moods, emotions, gestures, original sound, music, whispers, exclamations and questions.LengthThe story should be timed exactly and tempo must be maintained. Rehearsals are the source to measure time
and it can be increased or decreased accordingly.ManuscriptThe script should be legible and double-spaced with margins on sides. The characters, names, ages, type of
personality, place and location should be all well defined.Submitting the manuscriptIt should be well in time for the approval of the authorities in the organization or a television channel.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 15LESSON 07PRE-PRODUCTION PHASEThe pre-production phase is an important and the foremost stage for any production as it’s the foundation of
the programme being produced, whether its news or entertainment programme.
The director infuses in to the script, certain liveliness and life like quality through the means of scenes. He or
she is the final judge in the matter of conflict. Characterization, motivation and technique are the elements,
which polish a production.
The director should aim at audience;To develop dislike for what is unfair and untrueTo develop disgust for which is cheap and substandardTo develop indifference for which is trivial and meaninglessTo develop enthusiasm for what is fine true and important
The director for oneself should develop the habit of;Self-controlSelf-respectSelf-reliance
A good director should coach his cast and train himself. The purpose of a director in the final production is
to create for the audience, the same emotional feeling, he or she had while reading the script. Every
programme has a mood and an emotional experience to present. The audience should be attracted by all
those things, which build up mind, body and soul.
Spoken words are the inflammatory things. Human voice is the most potent conveyer of emotions. Language
is an instrument that appeals to imagination of human being.
Knowledge of music is another asset for a director as music is identification of a play or a character. It bridges
from locale to locale, time to time and mood to mood.Programme Budget Estimate (PBE)Preparation of the Programme Budget Estimate is also the duty of a producer as other than the directorial
function the producer has to manage the finances of the production on behalf of the organization or the
channel, he or she is working for. In this whole cost of direct or indirect expenditures are mentioned for the
approval from the finance department. PBE is made for a complete quarter that is of thirteen weeks and all
expected expanses are catered in it.Studying the scriptWhile studying a script a director should:-Digest the script to get the real mood and feeling.See that the script is approximately of right lengthSuggest small changes if required to better the performanceHear the whole script, as one reading is not enough
As far as the script is concerned, one reading is never sufficient and a director and producer should hear the
whole script as well from the writer.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 16First reading is silent to conceive, what he script says. It helps the director to understand the sequences of
the story and to make the storyboard.Second reading is to make the notes, writing the ideas in to the margins, checking the positions of actors in
relation to camera, placement of microphones and adjustment of lights on performers.Third reading is to read with the mind focused on the actors who are to portray the different parts, deciding
on the type of expression, physical traits, gestures and body language.
Moreover, survey for the location in case of outdoor recording and set designing for indoor recordings are
also two major factors to be considered in pre-production phase. Properties on the sets, wardrobe, dresses
and costumes of the artists, their make-up and get-up are also the elements to be considered well at preproduction stage.
Once the director is finished with all above-mentioned matters then comes the next step that is casting.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 17LESSON 08SELECTION OF REQUIRED CONTENT AND TALENTAfter finalizing and idea, making the budget, getting the script, studying rather digesting it, next comes the
casting for the programme and we all know that talent hunt is a difficult job as to find the right person for the
right job is always challenging.
The producer has to be very keen at he stage of casting because the good acting or performance removes,
from the minds of audience any remoteness and must cause them to perceive living personalities enacting a
portion of life.
The performance of any actor must give the character meaning so the actor or artist must be accurately
A poor cast can ruin a very good script and a poor script may sometimes be made into a fairly decent show
with carefully chosen performers, artistically blended.
The casting committee is concerned of two things:-
What comes out at the screen?
What happens in the minds of viewer?
In the television either public or private sector productions now a days there are only contract actors are
available, although there are staff artist in radio. A producer can choose from existing artists, or if he/she has
time so auditions can be arranged for the fresh faces and new talent.
If a dramatic director does not know his potential coast, it is wise for one to hold auditions or tryouts.
He/she will carefully select the artists as per characters, keeping in mind, the audition may play their part in
casting a play, they are never wholly satisfactory because; actors never feels that he/she has done the best and
director never knows what an actor can do until he/she has seen them in a play or performance.
It is best to cast an artist by watching him/her on screen with proper make-up, makeover and getup with
original lines and dialogues.
The director watches following things for the flexibility of performance:-
1. Displaying an understanding of lines
2. Varying speed according to material
3. Expressing emotions without shouting
4. Giving expressions, stresses and pauses
5. Throwing cue lines to co-artists
6. Delivering the dialogue in true spirit
In casting it is best to watch the talent on screen or monitor not in studio or the office unless he knows his
artist very well, he should try many. The actor should not read the script merely; they should deliver the
dialogues as emotions full of expressions.
Having decided upon the selection of the artists, the producer should fix the time of rehearsals, which
include:-Simple rehearsal
Dry rehearsal
Camera rehearsal
Full rehearsal
Final rehearsal

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 18It is good to distribute a copy of script to each performer, if they retain it they can thoroughly familiarize with
the characters they are to portray and also gain an idea of the whole drama, knowing the show well. The artist
will be able to give more intelligent reading of their lines and thus time will be saved in rehearsals.
Since a producer has to work against time, each bit of time saved is valuable to him and to the channel or
organization he is working for.
Each actor underlines the character whose part he takes, each time it appears and if the speech is carried over
the next page, “more” is written at the bottom of the page, however every effort should be made by the
writer or the script typist to complete it within the page and next lines be written ob next pages.First rehearsal is generally quite informal, merely reading the script without the microphone or the camera.
The director explains his idea of the script and tells the cast the effect he wishes to create. The director
should encourage the artist to interpret the part he or she has been assigned. He will guide the actors but
avoid dictating them the characterization. He gives the cast the picture as he desires it and places them the
responsibility of the achievement.Dry rehearsal is in the studio, on the set or location with the talk back microphones, signals by the floor
manager and director makes further suggestions about the characterization, interpretation, pronunciation and
enunciation.Camera rehearsal is for the placement and movement of cameras and all the instruments and apparatus in
place. Members of the play or show know their parts and duties.
Time management is also done in rehearsals. For ease a director can keep stopwatch to measure the pace and
tempo.Final rehearsal is one before the recording but prior to that a director has fairly accurate timing of the
programme and he knows which part can be eliminated with out loss to the performance and story, so the
director can time each page of the script, writing down the exact time at the bottom pf each page. The
detailed timing is necessary for the perfect control of the time element while the programme is being
It is good idea to cut a script down for required number of rehearsals and many factors enter in to
determination of answers;
1. The script itself
2. The ability of the artists
3. The amount of time
4. The degree of difficulty
5. The efficiency of director
No good director will stop rehearsing until he/she is certain that his show reached the highest degree of

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 19LESSON 09PROGRAMME PLANNINGThe planning of a programme in pre-production is very important to avoid any unpleasant situation and
untoward event as sometimes it may happen that unforeseen problem occurs so better the planning, greater
the quality. Every channel or TV station has a planning section or department to facilitate the producers.
Each producer before programme meets the planning officer to discuss the requirements for the production.Outdoor ProductionDuring the outdoor production, mostly single camera is used in news coverage, media briefings or even
drama and documentary programmes. For the purpose an Electronic News Gathering (ENG) and a producer
has to requisite a recording shift.Technical equipment requiredCameraNeck microphoneHand microphoneCable microphoneCordless microphoneBaby lightKit lightSun gunMonitorReflectorTapesBattery chargerTransportMake upCostumesConfirmation of participantsLocation managementFor outstation recordingsTour authorizationAccommodationBoarding and lodgingTechnical staff requiredDirectorCameramanLight manBoom operatorDriverIndoor Production

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 20For the indoor production, mostly three cameras are used in Talk shows, current affairs discussions and
drama programmes. For the purpose complete studio is engaged and a producer has to requisite a recording
shift.Technical equipment requiredStudio requisitionThree CamerasNeck microphoneHand microphoneCable microphoneCordless microphoneSet installedLightingPanel/switcherCamera control unitAudio consoleCassette RecordersCassette PlayersFunctional MonitorsTapesMake upPropertiesWardrobeCostumesConfirmation of participantsGate passesTechnical staff requiredDirectorCameramenLighting directorLight menBoom operatorCamera Control Unit (CCU) engineerAudio engineerRecording EngineerSet designerStudio handsStudio handsFloor managersPoints to ponderFor different programmes the planning is different so a producer should manage likewise so that the
production process may not sufferOutdoor broadcast

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 21For this purpose OB van is used which has the provision of panel, switcher, camera control unit, audio
console, Cassette recorders, Cassette players. The OB van provides a director all the technical facilities of
studios out side the studio.Electronic Field Production (EFP)As the Outdoor Broadcast van is used and the cameras are patched that is those are giving the output to
panel directly, such kind of makeshift studio environment in outdoors is called EFP.Talk showsFor the talk shows, we require microphones for each participant and a cordless hand microphone is preferred
if the programme has the audience participation as well. The distribution of invitation cards is also done in
advance to fill the talk so with life. If there is any report or package to be shown so the set should have the
provision of a plasma screen also.Live coverageFor the live coverage like some national event, some special show the arrangements are on broader scale.Music show or concertFor such shows heavy lights, floodlights, and colourful lights are used to create dramatic effects. Crane and
jib are also frequently in use in these shows.Mega showsFor telethons, marathon transmissions, many shifts of staff as well as participants are required so the director
should plan it well.Award ceremoniesAll the channels and media organizations hold their award ceremonies and a lot of in house staff and artist are
invited which involves a lot of boarding and lodging.Sports eventsThe events like marathon, horse races, cricket matches, football, hockey, basketball, tennis and other games
are multiple camera production so the planning is to cater all the production.Approval of authority for the venueWhen a TV channel is organizing or holding a programme in a certain location, the approval of the relevant
authority for the venue must be sought.Security managementAs the installation of Television are expensive and sensitive as well so proper security measures are necessary.Refreshment of artists and staffMany programme are of longer duration so the arrangements for the food and beverages are also to be
catered in coordination with the administration department.Continuities

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 22The assistant director is responsible to keep a track of different continuities:-Continuity of dialogueContinuity of SituationContinuity of dressContinuity of makeup

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 23LESSON 10PRODUCTION PHASEThe production phase starts with the set designing in the indoor programmes as the set is of the vital
importance in any kind of production.
There are different types of sets as per he demand of the producer and the nature of the programmes.Traditional setThe sets with traditional look having arches and building designs are the one mostly used in historical plays.
These sets are also called “hard or real sets” as are made by hard material like wood and metal.
These sets involve a lot of furniture and other decoration items to give the production a classical touch.Contemporary setNow a days the sets used in television industry are mostly graphical with computer generated effects.
These sets are also called “soft or virtual sets” as are made by computer graphics using chrome key and
Chrome key is to place a synthetic background behind the key talent that may be compere, or an anchor.Lighting setThe set in which different lighting patterns are used to give the symbolic representation of the mood of the
programmes are called lighting set, and different colours of lights are used in it.Black screen setIn this kind of set the horizon of the studio wall is utilized with out any light on it giving an impact of
darkness all around but a spot light on the characters.Single screen setThis set is used when only one object or character is to be recorded for some programme that may be linking
of a show or a magazine show with single background.Two-screen setThis set is used when two persons are talking to each other, mostly in talk shows such kind of sets is used.Three-screen setThe programmes having the participants or panelists on both sides of anchor involve three-screen sets.
Today with latest innovation in computer graphics technology to create highly realistic or fully imaginative
environment, a virtual set is the replacement for the real or physical set. They can be integrated into telecast
production in replacement of or in combination with a real set.
In theory, design categories in television production are readily classified with the programme types and
utility. There are three types in this regard.Non-representational setIn this kind of sets the scenery for general background purpose is used.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 24NewsInterviewsTalk showsForumsPolitical discussionsAnalysis and opinionReligious programmesRepresentational setThese set are used in the programmes where the story or the plot content is of fictional nature:-DramaShowDocumentaryCelebrity showMagazine showScience showChildren showWomen showAbstract setsIn such sets there is more margin of diversity as these are stylized sets.Musical concertsMega showsExtravaganzaVariety showDesign elementsFollowing are the elements of the design:-LineIt is any mark connecting two points that may be curved or straight.ShapeIt is any thing that has height and width and the basic shapes are rectangle, triangle and circle.TextureIt is the look and feel of the surface.SpaceIt is the distance or the area between and around different things.SizeIt is how large or small a thing can be.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 25Work procedure of design departmentProducer designer discussionPlanningConceptFloor planProducer’s approvalBudgetingPurchase processProperty storeCarpenter workshopWelding if anyPainting workshopErection of set in studioSet decorationRecordingDismantling after recording
Whenever viewers sit in front of television, they have an impression of total reality. They seem to be there,
where the action is, seeing every thing as it is happening, for a production team has combined their various
skills to built up a carefully continued illusion, through a cunning blend of camera work, lighting, set design,
audio control and mixing, script, dialogues, performance, editing, makeup and last but not the least direction.
Hence the set designer is an important member of the production team.Make up techniquesDuring production following basic make up improvements are to be made for the better appearance of the
artists on the screen:-
1. Shiny baldhead, Untidy hair, hair too light or dense in camera
2. Perspiration shine
3. Deep eye sockets, eyes lack definition
4. Shiny nose
5. Beard lines prominent despite shaving
6. Wrinkles on the neck
7. Lips definition
8. Age lines over prominent
9. Ears too light, different colour than adjacent skin
10. Eyebrows barely discernableEssentials of Make upGeneral treatmentNose treatmentEye treatment

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 26LESSON 11CAMERA WORKThe camera works on the principal of human eye and it shows what all the human eye watches through its
lens. The eye retains the image for 1/16 second while the camera works at the speed of 25 frames per second
and that’s why the fractions of frames or pictures seem to be moving on the screen.Camera functionsThe camera can be utilized as per the requirement of the shot, situation of he programmes and the mood of
the scene. There are following camera functions generally used in television productions.Movement of lens of cameraDuring this technique only lens of the camera is moved:-Zoom inImage coming close to viewerZoom outImage going away from the viewerFocusImage becoming sharpDefocusImage getting blurMovement of camera itselfDuring this technique camera itself is movedPan rightCamera is moved towards right sidePan leftCamera is moved towards left sideTilt upCamera is moved upwardsTilt downCamera is moved downwardsMovement of camera with tripodDuring this technique the camera is moved with the pedestal or tripod leaving its place as well.Dolly inCamera is moved close to the objectDolly outCamera is moved away from the object

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 27Track rightCamera is moved to the right side of the objectTrack leftCamera is moved to the left side of the objectUse of craneThis is an arrangement of making a cameraman sit on an equipment like crane to make free movement over a
crowd especially used in music show, concerts awards ceremonies.Use of jibThis is an arrangement of making a camera placed on equipment like triangular stay sail set to make free
movement of the camera itself while the operator is on ground controlling the camera.Use of wide-angle lensIt is used when there is a small space available for the movement of camera. It gives the broader perspective
of the shot.Use of fish-eye lensIt is used to create dramatic effect of the situation and to show the panoramic view of the scene.ShotThe frame being captured through the camera lens is called shot. It’s the picture being photographed or scene
being recorded.Types of shotsExtreme close up (ECU)Big close up (BCU)Close up (CU)Medium close up/bust shot (MCU)Medium shot (MS)Medium long shot (MLS)Long shot (LS)Very long shot (VLS)Top/High angle shot (looking downwards)Low angle shot (looking upwards)Two shot (can be CU/MCU/MS)Over the shoulder shot (OTS)Moving subject walking into spaceDifferential shot

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 28LESSON 12LIGHTS AND AUDIO
Types of camerasAccording to utility there are different types of cameras:-Handy cameraENG cameraFull facility cameraDigital cameraXD cameraBeta cameraModels in usePD 150PD 170D 350D 390D 250 PD 35 P16 MM35 MM70 MMTypes of tapes/disks
VideoVTRU-maticBetaDVC ProDV camMini DVVHSVCDDVDAudioMagnetic tapeCDDATImportance of sound in TVAlthough TV is a visual medium still the there is no video suitable for telecast without good audio. There are
dialogues, music, original or wild sound; all make a package for a complete telecast.Use of microphonePerhaps the best way to emphasize the importance of microphone is to say that without it audio in media
would not exist so every thing for a broadcast or telecast starts with a microphone.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 29The microphone is a transducer that’s converts acoustic or sound energy in to electric energy. This is the
basic function of a microphone. There are different types of microphones having special capabilities
according to varied aesthetic demands of recordings and productions.
For example, in television if a microphone is in the shot, it should be presentable but should not call attention
to itself.
For outdoor productions a microphone must be resistant to the wind sound. When distance is a factor, a
microphone must isolate the sound source and still provide acceptable quality of audio.
The special requirements make microphone selection a critical and ever present creative challenge.
When you choose a microphone, you should know four things:-What type it is?What are its directional characteristics?What does it sound like?What it looks like?Types of microphones
According to techniqueMoving coil/dynamicRibbonCapacitor/condenserAccording to directionOmni or Multi-directional (picking sound all around)Bi-directional (Front and rear)Uni-directional (from front only)According to usageNeck microphoneHand microphoneCordless neck microphoneCordless hand microphoneCable neck microphoneCable hand microphoneBoom handy (outdoor)Boom on tripod (indoor)According to programmeDramaTalk showMusicMagazine showDocumentary

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 30LESSON 13DAY OF RECORDINGTelevision production consists of three basic stages but the production stage and especially the day of
recording is very important in this whole process.Pre-productionProductionPost-production
Pre-requisites for Indoor ProductionStudio requisitionPlanning scheduleStudio facilitiesThree CamerasMicrophonesSet installedAny change in requiredLightingPanel/switcherCamera control unitAudio consoleCassette RecordersCassette PlayersFunctional MonitorsPlasmaTelephonesTapesMake upPropertiesWardrobeCostumesConfirmation of participantsPick and dropGate passesTechnical staffRehearsalsThe rehearsals are very important be fore recordings as these provide an opportunity to the performers to
get them acquainted with the studio environment and the co-starts so that there can be harmony on the
screen among them.Producer during recordings:Do not fatigue the crew with odd moves
Do not burden the artist with retakes
Do not spoil the mood of recording
Do not be panic while at workCamera Moves and mechanism of recording

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 31These are necessary to be decided between the camera crew and the producer that how the camera would
move and how the artists would perform accordingly. The producer tries to establish the locale and finalizes
the shot divisions.Noting on script or registerIt’s always good to keep an account of the recording which helps in post-production phase a lot so the
producer should jot down the points on the script or some separate register.Communication during recordingA producer is supposed to pass instruction to the persons involved in recording so he has different sources
available:Talk back microphone for the compare/anchor/hostStudio microphone to address the audienceHead phone to communicate with cameramenTele-lightThe red light on camera gives the indication to the artist that which camera is on record and it is for the
cameramen as well to know that their camera is switched so they shod not spoil the shots.Pre-requisites for single camera Outdoor ProductionSingle CameraMicrophonesLightsMonitorReflectorTapesBattery chargerTransportMake upCostumesConfirmation of participantsLocation managementFor outstation recordingsTour authorizationAccommodationBoarding and lodgingPoint to ponderIf you are well at script, you will be good on floor
If something is not clear on papers, it will not be clear on screen also.Floor management

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 32It is also an important job often done by the production assistant or the assistant director. The entries of
different characters and the maintenance of different continuities are important for ant production.The production staffThey are concerned primarily with the programme’s content and development.ProducerDirectorAssistant directorLighting directorDesignerProduction assistantThe production crewThey are concerned with the equipment operation.CameramanAudio engineerAudio techniciansVideo techniciansFloor managerStudio handsStudio supervisorSwitcherRecording engineerUnderstanding and harmonyTelevision production is a team operation that requires the combined effort of dozens of skilled individuals to
produce a programme. Technical as well as human communication is vital for successful production.
The television studio complex consists of two main areas:The Control RoomIt is the operational command center where programme elements are directed and coordinated. It has a panel
for recording purpose, switcher for inter-cutting and switching between the output given by different
cameras, Camera control unit, audio console, recorder and communication system for the cameramen, artists
and audience.The studio floorIt is the area where the actual activity of production takes place that may be set of a talk show, drama, news
bulletin or some play having performers.The day of recordingTelevision production starts with the programme planning, when the over all production concept and
approach are developed and organized as well as programme elements are rehearsed and coordinated.
Then comes the production phase that can be either live or recorded followed by then the postproduction
phase when videotapes is edited and additional video and audio material is added to the edited master tape.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 33The producer should control the production in all aspects and assure the quality of the programme being the
mastermind and the captain of the ship.
The contents of the programme must be carefully watched at all following stages:ResearchScript writingDramatizationScreenplayStoryboardRehearsalsDialogue deliveryAccent/pronunciationTeleprompter machineIt is a machine to facilitate the newsreader to read the news while having direct eye contact into the lens of a
camera and is controlled with the feet of newscaster. It is a screen between reader and camera that is visible
to reader but does not affect the view of camera. The whole script of news bulletin is scrolled upward with
the machine so that newscaster can easily read it without remembering the complete bulletin.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 34LESSON 14LINEAR EDITING AND NLEThe different mediums of performing arts are dependent on distinctive persons who are the backbone of any
particular medium.Film is a director medium.Theater is an actor medium.Radio is a speaker medium.Television is a producer medium.
After the recording is completed with the announcement of “pack up” the recorded material on different
tapes called “Chunks” in form of bits and pieces of scenes and shots with tapes numbered and marked are
taken to the editing desk for post-production.
It is always good to have noting of all recorded chunks on a paper by the producer or any of the assistants, as
it is the guideline for the editing. The noting should have:EpisodeSceneTake
Writing all these details in a register will be helpful during editing of the programme as it is said,
“Memorandum is always better than memory”
One must not put the memory in to examination and written matter is always recorded.EditingThe word edit is synonymous to prepare, correct, tidy up, check over, revise, amend, change, alter, modify,
adjust, transform. It is to trim or better, add or remove from the existing written matter or visual material.
The words of editor, editorial, sub-editor, editor and chief editor are derived from the same.Editing suite/roomThe editing apparatus consists of a panel like a keyboard of a computer added by a round knob to shuttle and
jog on machines having recorded material with different monitors for the separate display. Usually there are
three recording machines used as:Player 1Player 2Recorder
Players are the sources that supply the chunks recorded in bits and pieces. Normally first player has the
basic visuals that is main video and player two has the secondary data that can be background voice or

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 35Some strips, graphics, names to be super-imposed, overlaid or inserted on the primary video while the
recorder takes the final output given by the both players.Types of EditingThere are two types of editing techniques used according to machines.Linear EditingNon-linear Editing (NLE)Linear Editing1. It is time bound as a particular time code is followed to access different data.
2. It is done on and by videocassettes and tapes.
3. Videocassettes players and recorders are used in it.Non-linear Editing (NLE)1. It is not time bound as with a single keystroke or mouse click different data can be accessed.
2. It is done on computers as the data is transferred from tapes to computers.
3. Various software programmes are used in it.EditorEditor is the one who plays a vital role in post-production phase. Like director, cameraman and designer,
editor also has a direct impact on any programme production. The harmony and coordination between the
editor and the producer is very necessary as the editing can either polish or tarnish the finished product.
During the process of editing the synchronization and equation of both the producer and editor is very
important and it speeds up the pace or the work as well as it improves the programme quality.
The choice of editing either linear or non-linear solely depends on the producer, as s/he has to anticipate the
needs according to available technical facilities. Linear editing is in vogue now a day due to its variety of
effects, more options and provision of more audio and video layers to make a programme more colourful and
bright however linear editing is speedy and less time-consuming.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 36LESSON 15MIXING AND USES OF EFFECTSAnimationsGraphicsWindowsBracketsEffectso Zoom outo Zoom ino Page turn overo Dip to blacko Fade ino Fade outo Dissolveo Cross fadeo Wipeo SwapColour toneTitleEnd creditsBreakBumpersScrollStripsSuperimpositionso Nameso Callerso Phone numbero Emailo WebsitePromoRecapMusico Fore groundo Mid groundo BackgroundChoice of musicSound leveling

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 37LESSON 16SELECTION OF THE NEWS
What is News?News is some thing or matter new, fresh, unusual, unique, strange and exclusive.
It may be defined as accurate fact or idea that will interest a large number of viewers. In news strangeness,
abnormality, unexpectedness and nearness of and event, all add to interest in the news story.
The American College Dictionary defines news as “A report of any recent event or situation and as the report
of event published in a newspaper”
According to Lord Northcliffe’ “if a dog bites a man it is no news but if a man bites a dog it’s news.
News is in fact a communication between human beings from the earliest period of human civilization.
News is information about an event, some development plan, and movement of important persons as it is
said, “big names make big news.”Qualities of NewsAccurate
To the point
ClearElements of NewsTimeliness/Immediacy
Human Emotions

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 38LESSON 17WRITING OF THE NEWSNews is very important thing in today’s media scenario and there are a numbers of factors to modify
the importance of news in actual practice.The policy of news medium may increase or diminish the importance of the story.The class of viewers and listeners that dominates the audience of a channel determines largely what is
news for that medium.The amount of time available on television determines whether is told briefly or in detail and thus
time alters the value of a news story.Repeating the same news also sometimes decreases the importance of a news story.How to Write the News?The news story is totally and radically different from all other kinds of composition. A narrative, a short story,
a novel, a play, a drama, book, or a film script begins with a description of the background or with the
introduction of various characters and conditions. The story ends soon after the climax is reached. On the
contrary, a standard news story starts with the climax and leaves the details for the closing sentence.
The story in all other cases opens gradually and major information is given in middle of a story while in news
it opens with a bang all concrete things are mentioned at start and then the relevant detail is described.The Inverted PyramidThe pyramid or the upright triangle is the style of fiction or literary writing where as the news follows the
inverse triangle or inverted pyramid style.

Contents of News
What happened? What is the event?
When? When it occurred, at what time it took place?
Where? The place, where the incident occurred.
Who? The persons involved at that occasion.
Why? The reason of that particular issue.
How? The sequence of the event.

LeadIt is the heading of the news that contains the above-mentioned five Ws and one H.IntroIt means the introduction and it is first and the foremost part of the news as it contains the gist of whole
news. Many features and essay have also the intro.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 39Credit LineCredit line is the thing mentioned in the start of news that’s the place of news with its source from where it
has been obtained.Body TextIntro is followed by the body text that contains the details of a particular story.Types of News According to ContentsNews based on factsNews based on statementNews based on actionNews Based on FactsThe structure of the news based on fact will be as follows;Leading factSecondary factOther fact
In the lead the most important facts or the climax of the story is given and as the story proceeds further facts,
secondary or subsequent information is revealed. Such kind of story is not very difficult to write. The
important thing is to judge the relative value of data and fact available and to arrange them in order of their
importance. The composition breaks logically at every paragraph and can easily be cut down or lengthened as
according to time available.News Based on StatementThe statement or the quote of some prominent personality is also taken a s a news as in our country there is a
lot of statement journalism.The structure of such news will be as follows;Lead summary of the statementSummary of less important partSummary of even lesser important part
These include speeches, views; interviews talks, comments and opinions based on recorded information
delivered either in written form or verbally told to the news reporters.News Based on StatementThe action news is quite difficult to write as compared to rest of two types of the stories. The reporter only
narrated the action but he has to keep in mind the dramatic incidents, description of persons involved in that
action, statements of eyewitnesses and explanatory data as well. After the lead is written and important events
are given in chronological order, important information, background and detail is provided.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 40Finding out the LeadA reporter while writing a news story of any kind is constantly in search of a fact or a combination that will
be suitable for a lead. After all the fact and information the reporter faces the task of converting them to in to
a brisk beginning. In most of the news stories, the most important act or information is given in the opening
paragraph, which is lead and for lead usually “answer the five Ws technique” is followed.
The lead should be clear, provocative and simple, as one can easily understand it. Usually it should be with a
name, a noun, or an article, rarely with a participle, proposition or complete passage.ExampleThree persons (who) killed and nine injured last night (when) as a speeding truck (what) collided (why) with
a coach while overtaking another bus (how) at GT road (where).
The television newsroom is more complicated than that of radio or a paper’s newsroom as television
newsroom has editing equipment and production experts and other technical apparatus.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 41LESSON 18EDITING OF THE NEWSThe word edit is synonymous to prepare, correct, tidy up, check over, revise, amend, change, alter, modify,
adjust, transform and this all is done while editing any written item as well as the news.
The editing desk of a news channel is the hub and center around which all activities of news production
revolve and upon which news team ultimately concentrate.
The gathering of news is an interesting and peculiar job and for this purposes a large crew is engaged in every
quarter of the world, reporting to their principal news stories, momentous, interesting dull, sad and funny.
News is a short-lived and ephemeral commodity, yet it is regarded as essential to civilization and in the
making of that commodity a sub-editor plays an important role in shaping it in to form, attractive and
Media has no control over the events taking place all around, but they have to present the sum total of the
day’s happening in a digestible form. Great occurrences are few and far between and minor happenings are
more numerous.
A particular day may be full with great events or even one event may overwhelm all other happenings. The
next day may be very insignificant from the news point of view but the sub-editor has to produce the bulletin
and has to make it as interesting as possible to the large number of people who listen and watch it.
Although the sub-editor cannot determine the nature or the quality of the material gathered of the day but
one can control the use of news. S/he has to choose enough for filing the time of different news bulletins.
Keeping that limitation in view, the sub-editor can pick, choose and reject the news but it cannot be arbitrary
or random.
Throughout the whole process of selection, he has to take care of the policy of the news channel. The quality
of resultant production depends on wisdom, the judgment and the skill of group of sub-editors producing the
news bulletin.
The reporters exercise an initial discrimination in the selection of the news and in shaping it according to the
policy and time available with a news channel, but it is in the newsroom where it is finally dressed for bulletin.
It is here that the news is polished and improved and errors that creep in reporter’s copy are corrected. It is in
the newsroom that the news takes a new form.
Thus the sub-editor has to be ever vigilant. Competent handling of the copy is essential to every news
channel and an inefficient sub-editor can nullify the efforts of a best reporter and a very efficient direction of
the superior staff. While efficient and experienced sub-editors can correct the errors of the reporting staff if
any and can recover the indifferent and loosely worded copy.
Since the sub-editor has the last word in the production of the news bulletin, their inefficiency, lack of
knowledge and failures mar the finished product. For these particular reasons they have to be careful,
intelligent, knowledge able, alert and skilled.
The sub-editing of a news, the cutting of the news according to time available on any given day, the
formation of suitable headlines, and arrangement of news bulletins require a very high grade of news sense,
but also a sound education, a lot of general knowledge and a long practice of news making, competence in
international affairs, and a sense of balance and proportion are the attributes of a good sub-editor.Editing the news1. The first essential of news editing is accuracy.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 422. Every news producer and sub-editor should remember the channel’s reputation for fairness and
reliability rests upon an accurate presentation of facts.
3. A sub-editor has to keep in mind the number and class of people who would be interested in these
news as well as need for telecasting them while they still have news value.
4. The geographical nearness of an event does at to the interest for the viewers.
5. The viewers have interest in all sorts of contests and conflicts.Characteristics of good news1. It is the briefest possible summary of a story.
2. It includes five Ws and H that are important.
3. It should consist of one paragraph preferably but it often has more than one paragraphs.
4. It has all the main points of the story.
5. It quickly summarizes the most important fact of the story in first few words.
6. It begins with specific interesting and affecting words.
7. It is distributed in small sentences when too much information would make an excessive long
8. It cites the source from where the news is generated.
9. It identifies the persons mentioned.
10. It relates to previous news if it is a follow-up story.Process of editing newsThe process of editing is intended t make it easier for the newscaster to read the copy. Corrections must be
indicated clearly and matter inserted written legibly. All letters should be written carefully.
The sub-editor first reads the story to get the general sense. He may mark a mistake here and there in first
reading but he reserves his efforts mostly for the second reading. He should read it again for the third time to
eliminate the possibility of over sight and to see that he story reads coherent. Then he gives the headline.
An experienced editor may edit he news story in first reading but it is recommended that a story should be
read once again after marking out the mistakes and corrections.
Reporters should be instructed to end each page of copy on a complete paragraph. It makes for good speed
in the composing room and eliminates the need of cutting the story into parts in the composing room as each
page may be given to different compositor.
If the writer has not observed this rule, the sub-editor should rewrite the copy to make each page a complete
Editing the news copy, which in journalistic term is called “Subbing”, is a progressively becoming more
important as the speed of news coverage increases and the news horizon broadens.
The sub-editor can make a first rate newspaper out of a third rate copy. On the other hand a poor sub-editor
can spoil the work of the best reporter. It is he who reconstructs and reduces the news to its proportional
The different sub-editors on the desk also specialize in different sort of news but quite often they have to
handle all type of news coming to the news channel.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 43LESSON 19COMPILATION OF NEWS BULLETINThe recent past has witnessed an explosion in the number of news media serving the audience all
over the world. There are various television Channels, full time and all news networks, sports
channel, financial news channel, entertainment channel, historical channel, religious channel and
even weather channel.More news is available now than at any other time in human history. Obviously news is an important
commodity for all kind of public. Before anything becomes news, however, it must be reported, a rise in
gasoline prices, a city council meeting, a road accident, a political gathering, a protest rally, all must be filtered
through the eyes and ears of the a journalist.
A reporter must be aware of qualities that characterize a news story, the types of news that exist, and the
difference in the way the various media cover news.
From the million of things happen every day, print, broadcast, telecast and online journalist decide which few
things are worth reporting. Deciding what is newsworthy is not an exact science. News values are formed by
tradition, technology, organizational policy, and increasingly economics.
Nonetheless most of the journalists agree that there are some common elements that characterize
newsworthy events. In addition to five traditional elements of timeliness, proximity, prominence,
consequence and human interest of news value, economic plays a vital role now.
First, some stories cost more to cover than others. It is cheaper to send a reporter with a camera crew to city
council meeting than to assign a team of reporters to investigate city council’s corruption. Some news
operations might not be willing to pay the price for such story.
Conversely after spending a large some of money pursuing in a story, the news channel might run it, even if it
had little traditional news value, simply to justify its cost to the management.
By the same token, the cost of new technology is reflected in the types of stories that are covered. When TV
stations went to Electronic News Gathering (ENG) stories that could be covered live became more
In fact, many organizations, conscious of scheduling of TV news programmes, plan their meetings and
demonstrations during the newscast to enhance their chance of receiving TV coverage.Compiling a News BulletinWhile compiling a news bulletin, generally news can been broken into three broad categories:Hard NewsSoft NewsInvestigative Report
Hard NewsHard news stories make up the bulk of news reporting. They typically embody the traditional news values.
Hard news consists of basic fact. It is the news of important public events, such as government actions,
international happenings, social conditions, the economy, crime, environment and science.
Hard news has significance for the large number of people. The front sections of a newspaper, or magazine
and the lead stories of a radio or television newscast usually are filled with hard news.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 44In the broadcast media, with the added considerations of limited time, sound and video, telecast reporting
follows a square format. The information level stays about the same throughout the story. There is usually no
time for less important facts that would come in the last paragraph of a newspaper story.
TV and radio news stories are either a hard or a soft lead. A hard news contains the most important
information, the basic fact of the story. Where as a soft lead is used to get the viewers attention, it may not
convey much information.
The lead then supported by the body of the story, which introduces new information and it amplifies the lead.
The summations, the final few sentences in the report can be used to personalize the main point, introduce
another fact, or discuss future developments.
The broadcast or news telecast is totally different from that of print news: it is more informal, conversational,
and simple. In addition it is designed to complement sound bites that is the voice of newsmaker or videotape
segment.Soft NewsSoft news or feature covers a wide territory. The one thing all soft news has in common Is that it interest the
audience. Features typically rely on human interest for the news value. They appeal to people’s curiosity,
sympathy, skepticism, disbelief, or amazement. They can be about places, people, animals, topics, events, or
products. Some stories that would be classified as soft news are the birth of kangaroo at local zoo, a
personality sketch of a local resident who have a small part in the upcoming movie, a cook who works a s a
stand-up comedian, a teenager gets a tax refund cheques.
Features are entertaining and the audience likes them. Many television and print vehicles are based primarily
on the soft content.
TV features are more common than radio features. In some large TV markets one or more reporter covers
nothing but features. Almost all stations have feature file where story ideas are catalogued. If a local TV
station does not have the resource to produce local features, it can look to syndication companies that
provide the general interest features for a subscription fee.
Telecast features also use a variety of formats. Humorous leads and delaying the main points until the end
sometimes work well, a technique often used in features. A simple narrative structure, used in everyday
storytelling, can also be effective. The interview format is also popular; particularly when the feature is about
a well-known personality.Investigative ReportThese reports unearth significant about matters of the public importance through the use of non-routine
information gathering methods. Since the Watergate affair was uncovered by a pair of Washington newspaper
reporters investigative reporting has also been looked upon as primarily concerned with exposing corruption
in high places.
Investigative reports require a good deal of time and money. Because of these heavy investments, they are
generally longer than the typical telecast news item. Telecast investigative reports are usually packaged in
documentaries or in a 10-15 minutes segment of a news magazine programme.
In television and radio, the investigative reporters have less time to o explore background issues. Documents
and records are hard to portray on television, so less emphasis is placed on tem, instead the TV reporter must
come up with the interviews and other visual aspects that will illustrate the story. Moreover the length of a
TV report will sometimes dictate its form.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 45Speed is more important for news telecast than it is for the press. TV is almost always first with the news as a
newspaper has to wait for the next morning to give the latest news while a television channel has several news
bulletin in 24 hours. Therefore TV deadlines are more frequent than that of newspaper dead lines. The
modern TV reporter also uses camera for news item.
Television was introduced to the world about thirty-five years after the radio in 1945. At most of the places
the television developed as sister organization to the radio, therefore it has grown up as a sister operation to
radiomen. Television outclassed all other media of communication in effectiveness as it illustrated and is very
close to face-to-face communication, which is considered most suit able and effective mode of

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 46LESSON 20PRESENTATION OF NEWS BULLETINThere are many types of news telecast and each one is presented in different manners and prepared
in different style. Probably the most elementary type of news telecast is one in which the television
reporters find it necessary to process news items, making them worthy watching and hearable than
Everyone experienced in the field of electronic media that there are newscasters and newsreaders,
who merely read a news bulletin, and the news anchors or the news commentator, who take the
news of the day, relate it to happening of the past and to those of probable future, and analyze its
The speaker, who puts a great deal of his personality into such presentation, gives this news telecast
in a less formal manner. The news that is presented by a commentator may be coloured by his/her
own attitude or by the policy of either his station or the sponsor, if the news telecast is sponsored.
The viewers are tuning in on a programme, anchors usually save their most important item for
second place unless their news is preceded by the lengthy announcements. An item of national or
international interest is considered most important.
The news-anchor attempts to tie up today’s story with the news of yesterday, forming sort of
‘continued story’ effect which shows how the events of the yesterday have led to those of today, and
how these events may effect the society and history in the future.
During the course of programme the news commentator includes some human-interest stories. It is
good practice to insert short, bright, and fast moving items between long news features. As the news
reporter or producer, the news anchor must have the sense of what will appeal the greatest number
of viewers:
Weather is subject of universal interest while financial statement will interest only a limited class.
The conversational news of the news anchor is not so immediate as that presented in the press news
report. Some news anchors speak extemporary from the notes, cleverly changing their pace and
pitch to conform to content of the items and to mark a change of subject.
There are news anchors who endeavour to their items together regardless of their relationship; to do
this sometimes results in monotony. The news anchor must not allow the news items to cause alarm
or anxiety for the safety of friends or relatives of the viewers.
The larger rather all the news channels maintain their own ticker service, which is used as the basis
for the manuscript prepared by the news producers.
The great problem of the news broadcaster is that his program is a daily feature and in many
instances may run as many as three or more times a day, rather on hourly basis as is being done
presently. To be able to find material and methods of presenting material is a problem.
Here in our electronic media mostly news producer, reporters and even anchors are formerly
newspaper or radio newsmen who have developed a good sense of news values. Many of the news
anchors have traveled extensively or acted as field reporters so that they have a background that is
helpful in presenting a news bulletin in impressive and interesting manner.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 47Undoubtedly the most important prerequisite for the presentation of any item to be telecast is that it
be news, and that it be either significant or have human appeal. The television news editor considers
whether the item will have mass appeal or whether it is unusual.
If the item is not of national, international or state interest the telecaster is concerned whether it
deals with the locale within the primary range of the television station. If the persons who are
involved are of particular importance, the item has news value.
Many TV stations and the sponsoring agencies require that their telecast combine information with
entertainment and consequently humorous and human-interest stories are mixed together and
interspersed between the more significant items or are used in the conclusion of the news telecast.
It is always better to avoid shocking and frightening, dreadful and horrible news item and stories like
court trials with unpleasant angles, particularly of gender, social evils, divorces except of famous
personalities, crime only outstanding cases and that to minimized, capital punishment, except that
which has resulted from trials which have been in the public eye.
This does not mean that all unpleasant cases and distasteful items are discarded; it does mean that as
far as possible the television reporter and producer avoids being alarmist. This is the result of the
television’s whole-family audience.
Furthermore, in presentation of news bulletin the news producer must take into consideration that
he may be held for defamation, libel or slander, blasphemy, immoral telecast, contempt of court of
sedition and select items to avoid any of such charges. The time of the day when the news is to be
telecast influences the selection and presentation of items. Cancer, reptiles, false teeth, are not the
topics for mealtime news telecast.
Of course accuracy is essential in the reports of news bulletins, as an inaccurate news item cannot be
killed as it can be in a newspaper.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 48LESSON 21MAKING SPECIAL BULLETINSIn today’s scenario as the electronic media have grown up a lot and it cater for all types of audience. Now a
day we have news bulletins for almost all kinds of viewers. There are general news bulletins, which include all
kind of news items for wide-ranging public. Then we have special news bulletins on specified news channels
as well.Trade/IndustrySuch kind of channels telecast news related to trade, business, buying and selling, stock exchange matters, rise
and fall of shares of different companies. The information is presented by scrolling on screen all the time.Commerce/BusinessThese channels update the specified audiences having interest in commerce, import and export issues.AgricultureIn our country that has a larger agricultural economy base, different channels prepare programmes and news
bulletins about farmers and peasants regarding seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, agro-medicines and
livestock.SportsSports is a topic of interest of all age groups of viewers and to cater this need all the news channels televise
the special programmes, have special news bulletins, live transmissions about the different tournaments and
competitions being held nationally and internationally.ShowbizThe matters regarding the activities of film, radio, theater and television artists, singers, actors, performers,
directors, is of prime interest to general public and they want to know about even their personal profiles so
the news channels also have portion for them in their news bulletins.FashionDue to the advancement in media people are more aware of fashions in and out, life styles in vogue, make up
techniques and methods of make over, so the news channels also address this type of community.MusicWe do have television channels locally and globally dedicated to music only and the whole daylong
transmissions on such channels have music charts, albums and numbers as well as gossips of singers.DramaThere are channels specified only to drama, sit-com, tragedy, comedy, Series, serial, soaps and these air the
relevant information.WeatherWeather is the topic of concern for every body to plan the day activities like traveling out station or doing
laundry at home so all the news channels have weather reports in their news bulletins but there is no specified
weather channel so far in our country.EducationalThese channels are education oriented and they aim at distant education for the people living in remote areas
or those not able to attend full-time courses. There are lectures on different subjects through distance

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 49We do have couple of channels which target only a specified audience interested to know the religious
matters, answers to their queries and for the clarification of their doubts.HealthThe programmes regarding health, personal hygiene, the diseases and the treatments of different ailments are
of great public concern and channels keep the audience enlightened about these issues.ScientificThese news bulletins on news channels or even on entertainment channels are about latest discoveries,
inventions, scientific research and technological advancements.FoodOne can watch channels nationally and internationally also that air only the food programmes related to
preparation of different food items, recipes and ingredients, food travelogue and tastes of different areas.Documentary/ InvestigationThe documentary making is a difficult job that involves a lot of time and cost. We have few channels
specified for documentaries but all the channels do have documentaries in their transmissions. There are also
the programmes regarding the reasons of natural calamities and different accidents occurred.YouthYouth, although very important segment of the society is vital in national progress and prosperity but there
are only few programmes for their career counseling on channels.WomenThese programmes on channels focus home decoration, cooking, gardening guidelines, beauty tips and kids
upbringing.Making Your News More ComprehensiveThere are some instructions followed by the correspondents and reporters of news channels and these are
equally applicable to the writer of news copy as well.

Send some thing don’t always “transmit” or “dispatch”
Call a person don’t always “summon” them
Buy something don’t always “purchase” it
Leave some place don’t always “depart”
Act don’t always “take action”
Will not always “is going to”
Arrest or Seize not always “take into custody”
Show don’t always “display” or “exhibit”
Get don’t always “obtain”
Need don’t always “require”
See don’t always “witness”
Can not always “is able to”

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 50Help not always “aid” or “assist”Hurt not always “injured”Break not always “fracture”Build not always “construct”Meet Not always “convene”Doctor Not always “physician”

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
TV ProductionTV production is the process of making a programme, from an initial story idea or commission through
scriptwriting, shooting, editing and finally distribution to an audience. Typically it involves a large number of
people and can take anywhere between a few months and several years to complete. Production takes place
all over the world in a huge range of economic, social and political contexts, using a variety of technologies
and techniques.Stages in TV Production
Pre-ProductionPreparation for the shoot, in which cast and crew are hired, locations are selected, and sets are built.ProductionThe raw elements for the finished film are recorded.Post-ProductionThe film is edited, sound effects, music and any computer effects are added, and the film is completed.CreativityCreativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new
associations between existing ideas or concepts.
From a scientific point of view, the products of creative thought (sometimes referred to as divergent thought)
are usually considered to have both originality and appropriateness. An alternative, more everyday conception
of creativity is that it is simply the act of making something new.IdeaIt is the plan of action, a general notion, conception, comprehension, construct, thing, formed in the mind,
directly conceived or intuited object of thought or something formed by mentally combining all its
characteristics or particulars.
An idea is an image, also concept or abstraction formed and existing in the mind. Human capability to
contemplate ideas is associated with the ability of reasoning, self-reflection, and the ability to acquire and
apply intellect.ConceptConcepts are expected to be useful in dealing with reality. Generally speaking, concepts are taken to be (a)
acquired dispositions to recognize perceived objects as being of this kind or of that ontological kind, and at
the same time (b) to understand what this kind or that kind of object is like, and consequently (c) to perceive
a number of perceived particulars as being the same in kind and to discriminate between them and other
sensible particulars that are different in kind.CastingThe process of talent hunt for any programme is casting. The casting director finds actors for the parts in the
script. This normally requires an audition by the actor. Lead actors are carefully chosen and are often based
on the actor's reputation or "star power.Research

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 52Research is constant navigation to know the truth.
Research is continuous effort to dig out facts.
Research is an endeavour to find something new.
Research is making new interpretation of existing knowledge.
Research is an addition to already present knowledge.Script/ScreenplayA screenplay or script is an outline, written by a screenwriter, for a film or television program. Screenplays
can be original works or adaptations from existing works such as novels. A screenplay differs from a script in
that it is more specifically targeted at the visual, narrative arts, such as film and television, whereas a script can
involve a sketch of "what happens" in a comic, an advertisement, a theatrical play and other creations.RehearsalThe actors rehearse their script and blocking with the director. The picture and sound crews then rehearse
with the actors. Finally, the action is shot with as many takes as the director wishes.CameramanOne or more camera operators who operate the television cameras, though in some instances these can also
be operated from Production Control Room using remote heads.FrameFrame is one of the many single photographic images in a motion pictureShotShot (film) is part of a film between two cuts.Television StudioA television studio is an installation in which television or video productions take place, either for live
television, for recording live to tape, or for the acquisition of raw footage for postproduction. The design of a
studio is similar to, and derived from, movie studios, with a few amendments for the special requirements of
television production. A professional television studio generally has several rooms, which are kept separate
for noise and practicality reasons. These rooms are connected via intercom, and personnel will be divided
among these workplaces.Studio FloorThe studio floor is the actual stage on which the actions that will be recorded take place. A studio floor has
the following characteristics and installations:Decoration and/or setsCameras on pedestalsMicrophonesLighting rigs and the associated controlling equipment.Several video monitors for visual feedback from the production control roomA small public address system for communicationA glass window between PCR and studio floor for direct visual contact is usually desired, but not
always possibleWhile a production is in progress, the following people work in the studio floor.The on-screen "talent" themselves, and any guests - the subjects of the show.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 53A floor director, who has overall charge of the studio area, and who relays timing and other
information from the director.One or more camera operators who operate the television cameras, though in some instances these
can also be operated from PCR using remote heads.
Possibly a teleprompter operator, especially if this is a news broadcast.Set DesignThe production designer creates the look and feel of the production sets and props working with the art
director to create these elements.
Set or Scenic design (also known as stage design, set design or production design) is the creation of theatrical
scenery. Scenic designers have traditionally come from a variety of artistic backgrounds, but nowadays,
generally speaking, they are trained professionals, often with M.F.A. degrees in theatre arts.LightThe lighting is rigged; the camera and sound recording equipment are set up. At the same time the actors are
wardrobe in their costumes and attend the hair and make-up departments.Survey for LocationThe location manager finds and manages the film locations. Most pictures are shot in the predictable
environment of a studio sound stage but occasionally outdoor sequences will call for filming on location.MicrophoneA microphone sometimes referred to as a mike or mic is an acoustic to electric transducer or sensor that
converts sound into an electrical signal.VideotapeVideotape is a means of recording images and sound onto magnetic tape as opposed to movie film. In
virtually all cases, a helical scan video head rotates against the moving tape to record the data in two
dimensions, because video signals have a very high bandwidth, and static heads would require extremely high
tape speeds. Video tape is used in both video tape recorders (VTRs or, more common, video cassette
recorders (VCRs) and video cameras. Tape is a linear method of storing information, and since nearly all
video recordings made nowadays are digital, it is expected to gradually lose importance as non-linear/random
access methods of storing digital video data are becoming more common.Camera Control UnitIt is technical director's station, with waveform monitors, vector scopes and the camera control units or
remote control panels for the camera control units (CCUs).Switcher/Vision MixerA vision mixer (also called video switcher, video mixer or production switcher) is a device used to select
between several different video sources and in some cases composite (mix) video sources together and add
special effects. This is similar to what a mixing console does for audio.PanelControl panel is a flat area containing controls and indicators and may be associated with the operation of any
machinery.Audio Mixing ConsoleAudio mixing console and other audio equipment such as effects devices, character generator creates the
majority of the names and full screen graphics that are inserted into the program and digital video effects
and/or still frame devices.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 54Production Control RoomThe production control room (also known as the 'gallery') is the place in a television studio in which the
composition of the outgoing program takes placeVideo Monitor WallA video monitor wall, with monitors for program, preview, videotape machines, cameras, graphics and other
video sources.Video Editing
Non-Linear Editing System, using computers with video editing softwareLinear Video Editing, using videotape
Video editing is the process of re-arranging or modifying segments of video to form another piece of video.
The goals of video editing are the same as in film editing — the removal of unwanted footage, the isolation of
desired footage, and the arrangement of footage in time to synthesize a new piece of footage.Non-Linear EditingNon-linear editing for film and television postproduction is a modern editing method which involves being
able to access any frame in a video clip with the same ease as any other. This method is similar in concept to
the "cut and glue" technique used in film editing from the beginning. However, when working with film, it is
a destructive process, as the actual film negative must be cut. Non-linear, non-destructive methods began to
appear with the introduction of digital video technology.
Video and audio data are first digitized to hard disks or other digital storage devices. The data is either
recorded directly to the storage device or is imported from another source. Once imported they can be edited
on a computer using any of a wide range of software. For a comprehensive list of available software, see List
of video editing software, whereas Comparison of video editing software gives more detail of features and
functionality.Video CameraA video camera is a camera used for electronic motion picture acquisition, initially developed by the television
industry but now common in other applications as well. Video cameras are used primarily in two modes. The
first, characteristic of much early television, is what might be called a live broadcast, where the camera feeds
real time images directly to a screen for immediate observation; in addition to live television production, such
usage is characteristic of security, military/tactical, and industrial operations where surreptitious or remote
viewing is required. The second is to have the images recorded to a storage device for archiving or further
processing; videotape is traditional for this purpose, but optical disc media, hard disk, and flash memory are
all used as well. Recorded video is used not only in television and film production, but also surveillance and
monitoring tasks where unattended recording of a situation is required for later analysis.Electronic Field Production (EFP)Electronic field production (EFP) is a television industry term referring to television production which takes
place outside of a formal studio, in a practical location or special venue. Some typical applications of
electronic field production include awards shows, concerts, major newsmaker interviews, political
conventions and sporting events.
Electronic field production (EFP) places the emphasis on high-quality, multi-camera photography, advanced
graphics and sound.Electronic News GatheringENG is a broadcasting (usually television) industry acronym which stands for electronic news gathering. It
can mean anything from a lone reporter taking a single camcorder out to get a story to an entire television
crew taking a satellite truck on location to do a live report for a newscast. In its early days, the term ENG was
used by newsroom staff to differentiate between the NG (newsgathering) crews that collected TV news with
traditional film cameras and the new ENG crews who collected TV news with new electronic analogue tapes.

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 55TeleprompterA teleprompter (also known as an autocue) is a display device that prompts the person speaking with an
electronic visual text of a speech or script. Using a teleprompter is similar to the practice of using cue cards.
The screen is in front of the lens of the camera, and the words on the screen are reflected to the eyes of the
speaker using a one-way mirror.

TV News Reporting and Production – MCM 516 VU
© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 56LESSON 23TYPES OF TV PRODUCTIONTelevision is known as the strongest of all the media and in present time it has become a central part of world
culture. The home entertainment centre, the campaign of advertisers, training and information dissemination,
politics, sports; religion or social activities, all are the focus of television today.
This powerful medium requires a team of aesthetically sensitive and technically skilled individuals to
communicate ideas and emotions to a particular audience. Television brings together a great art to produce
the programmes.The scriptwriter’s command of dialogueThe researcher’s in-depth knowledgeThe actor’s power of oratoryThe performer’s suitable expression,The makeup artist’s subtle touchThe lighting directors controlled shadows,The set designer’s environmental influence,The cameraman’s reflections,The audio engineer’s skill in blending music,The mixing expert’s sound effects,The editor’s presentational talent,The producer’s command and controlMagazine ShowsTalk show
Music show
Celebrity show
Health show
Road show
Game show
Quiz show
Fashion show
Cooking show
Beauty show
Reality showSpecific Audience ProgrammingReligious programmes
Women programmes
Children programmes
Sports programmes
News programmes
Current affairs programmes
Commerce, trade and industry programmes
Agricultural programmes
Views and comments programmes
Analytical programmes
Opinion formation programmes

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 57LESSON 24DRAMA AND DOCUMENTARY
DramaIs the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. It is derived from a Greek word meaning "action”
or "to do".
Dramas are performed in various media: theatre, radio, film, and television. Drama is often combined with
music and dance: the drama in opera is sung throughout; musicals include spoken dialogue and songs; and
some forms of drama have regular musical accompaniment like melodrama.
In certain periods of history (the ancient Roman and modern Romantic) dramas have been written to be read
rather than performed. In improvisation, the drama does not pre-exist the moment of performance;
performers devise a dramatic script spontaneously before an audience.Documentary film is a broad category of visual expression that is based on the attempt, in one fashion or
another, to "document" reality. Although "documentary film" originally referred to movies shot on film stock,
it has subsequently expanded to include video and digital productions that can be either direct-to-video or
made for a television series. Documentary, as it applies here, works to identify a "filmmaking practice, a
cinematic tradition, and mode of audience reception" that is continually evolving and is without clear
boundaries.Defining DocumentaryThe word "documentary" was first applied to films of this nature in a review of Robert Flaherty's film Moana
(1926), published in the New York Sun on 8 February 1926 and written by "The Moviegoer", a pen name for
documentarian John Grierson.
In the 1930s, Grierson further argued in his essay First Principles of Documentary that Moana had
"documentary value". Grierson's principles of documentary were that cinema's potential for observing life
could be exploited in a new art form; that the "original" actor and "original" scene are better guides than their
fiction counterparts to interpreting the modern world; and that materials "thus taken from the raw" can be
more real than the acted article. In this regard, Grierson's views align with Vertov's contempt for dramatic
fiction as "bourgeois excess," though with considerably more subtlety. Grierson's definition of documentary
as "creative treatment of actuality" has gained some acceptance, though it presents philosophical questions
about documentaries containing stagings and reenactments.DramaDrama serialDrama seriesSoap serialMini-serialSit-com situational comedyLong playTele-filmShort filmDocumentaryHistoricalInformativeInvestigativeDocu-dramaGenreComedy

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© Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan 58TragedyActionThrillerAdventurousRomanticFictionHistoricalEpicFictionScience fictionFantasySuspenseful storyMurder mysteryAdventure movieCrime novelDetective storySpy story

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